Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Location Wedding Ceremony at Rama Gardens Hotel

This is a wedding ceremony of Aoi and Note. Wedding Ceremony was on November 2014 at Rama Garden Wedding.

Wedding Ceremony start in the morning. They wear in Thai Tradition Dress. And we do a gate crashing, ring ceremony and then water blessing ceremony.
A wedding ceremony is so simple. Bridesmaids are came in Thai Tradition Dress so lovely.

I’m glad to shooting weddings for them, Because of they are so lovely and friendly.
I hope you’ll enjoy watching Aoi and Note Photo. If you like this album please Like and Share.

Contact Photographer:

Call: 094-829-4622 or +66-94-829-4622
LINE: saritchaiwangsa or @korostudio
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.korostudio.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/korostudio
Facebook: www.facebook.com/korostudiothailand

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

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Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

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Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

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Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

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Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

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Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

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Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

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Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

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Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note

Rama garden Wedding Ceremony Aoi and Note