Wedding Ceremony Bo + So at Crystal Design Center
Location : Crystal Design Center CDC
The Wedding of Bo and So was very funny and private. Bo and So select Crystal Design Center for them Wedding Ceremony.
The Wedding was on 5 May 2014. Wedding Ceremony was start from 7 AM – 11 AM. We’re arrive Crystal Design Center at 6AM for Preparation of Light and Camera. This Wedding Ceremony is so private. Only friend and family went here. His Wedding Ceremony are based on Thai and Chinese Wedding.
Thank you Bo + So for support Koro Studio. And easy for support Koro Studio from you. You must like and share this post
Have a nice day.
Contact Photographer ติดต่อช่างภาพ ช่างวิดีโอ ตากล้อง งานแต่งงาน:
Call: 094-829-4622 or +66-94-829-4622
LINE: saritchaiwangsa or @korostudio
Email: [email protected]